Freitag, 11. April 2014

CSS-Tricks Chronicle XVII


CSS-Tricks Chronicle XVII

I've had the pleasure of being on a couple of podcasts recently other than ShopTalk (where we most recently interviewed Julie Ann Horvath about, among other things, her GitHub exit).

I was on How to Hold a Pencil where Reuben Ingber and I chat about what it's like to be a beginner and where to go next.

I was on Pencil vs Pixel where Cesar Contreras and I talked about capturing ideas, motivation, and the future.

I was on the CDNify podcast as well.

Spring is breaking finally here in Wisconsin so it feels good to be back biking around town. I've been doing a good job at going to the gym and sticking with my training. We even trained outside today for the first time this year.

I'm just about to take off for a few weeks though. I'm headed down to Tampa, Florida to see some friends (I used to live there, back in the Wufoo days) and we're also getting together there as Team CodePen for an in-person sprint.

I leave from Florida and head up to North Carolina where I'm picking up a new camper trailer, the SylvanSport Go, which I'm pretty stoked about. It just so happens that MerleFest is going on at the same time so I'm going to meet some of my bluegrass buddies there for the weekend.

Then I need to high tail it back to Wisconsin because I have a flight down to Champaign, Illinois for the University of Illinois Web Conference where I get to keynote one of the days.

From there I fly to Columbia, South Carolina for ConvergeSE.

Then finally back home, where I only have a week before another big adventure. I'll save that for next time.

We've been hard at work at at CodePen. The new feature releases were a little slow for a while because we were buried in a huge one: Teams. It might seem like a simple thing, but it was anything but. We even talked about it a bit on the podcast.

Perhaps I haven't mentioned here? We're doing a new podcast over at CodePen, a kind of self-documentary of what it's like running a web software business. We call it CodePen Radio.

Taxes are another thing on my mind. They are due the 15th here in the US, and despite starting on them as early as I could, I'm cutting it down to the wire. It's crazy how late you can get needed documents to do it all properly. I think I'm just about done and it's a very painful year (mostly due to my own lack of planning in paying quarterlies). Gonna have to tighten the belt for a few months.

CSS-Tricks Chronicle XVII is a post from CSS-Tricks

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