The `time` Element
The following is a guest post by Ty Strong. Ty noticed a curious lack of information on the <time>
element here on CSS-Tricks and I agreed. Can't let that happen! Take it away Ty.
The <time>
element in HTML represents a machine-readable date, time, or duration. It can be useful for creating event scheduling, archiving, and other time-based functions. WordPress uses the time element in the default theme. Reddit uses the time element as well.
element for posting dates.A Brief History
The time element has had a rocky road. It was added to the HTML5 specs back in 2009. Two years later in 2011, the spec was dropped and replaced with a much broader element, <data>
. Later that year the time element was added back with some revamped features.
Rest assured, you can use it!
Bruce Lawson covers the situation well: gone, back, now. A classic "paving the cowpaths" moment in HTML history.
The Tag and Attribute
Time is just an HTML tag. Here's a simple example that represents November 2011:
The text in there happens to be a valid datetime
attribute value (more on that in a moment). But it doesn't have to be. You could move that text into a datetime
attribute and use different text.
<time datetime="2011-11">A cold winter month many years ago</time>
The datetime
attribute is what makes the time element unique. It represents the date, time, or duration for whatever text you are representing in a machine readable format. That means it is for computers, not humans, so it has very specific formats.
It's probably a bit more common for the human-readable version to be just a textual representation of the datetime:
<time datetime="2011-11">November, 2011</time>
10 Ways
There are a variety of standard ways to format the datetime
Year and Month
Very Simple. Year before month.
Year, month, and then day.
Yearless Date
Month before day.
Time Only
Hour, minute, then seconds. Seconds is optional. Fractions of a second can be represented up to three digits.
Date and Time
Combination of Date and Time, separated by a capital T. The capital "T" can be replaced with a space.
Time-Zone Offset
Starts with plus or minus sign. Colon (:) is optional. +00:00, or UTC time, can be represented by the capital letter "Z".
Local Date and Time
This is the same as Date and Time with an added time-zone offset. Again, "T" can be replaced with a space.
Year and Week
Year followed by a capital "W" with the corresponding number week.
Year Only
This must be four digits or more, so `0001` and `12345` both work.
Duration (Method One)
Capital "P", an optional day value, capital "T", then optional values of hours, minutes, and seconds. All letters must be upper-case.
Duration (Method Two)
1w 2d 2h 30m 10.501s
Week (w), Day (d), Hour (h), Minute (m), and Seconds (s). Letter can be upper-case or lower-case. Spaces are optional.
Google released Gmail Blue on <time datetime="2013-04-01">April 1st, 2013</time>.
The Chelyabinsk meteor entered Earth's atmosphere over Russia on <time datetime="2013-02-15T09:20+06:00">15 February 2013 at about 09:20 YEKT (03:20 UTC)</time>.
The Apollo 13 mission lasted a total of <time datetime="5d 22h 54m 41s">5 days, 22 hours, 54 minutes, and 41 seconds</time>.
Having Trouble Formatting the Datetime?
Using this little tool you can input a certain date or time (or both), and it will output the correct datetime value.
See the Pen Datetime Creator Tool by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen.
Browser Support
Browser support isn't a major concern with the time element. If a browser is familiar with it, great, if not, it will treat it as a generic inline element which is perfectly fine. The datetime attribute is also perfectly accessible.
There is a DOM interface associated with the time element though. Specifically dateTime
should be available on a reference to that element.
<p>The concert took place on <time datetime="2001-05-15 19:00">May 15</time>.</p>
var time = document.getElementsByTagName("time")[0];
// outputs "2001-05-15 19:00"
This is only supported in Firefox, and isn't particularly useful anyway since all it does is return that attribute (it doesn't even return a value value if the attribute isn't there but the text is a valid value, which seems like it would make sense.)
What is the benefit to using <time>?
I'm going to quote Bruce again because he says it very well in a post on HTML5 Doctor:
The uses of unambiguous dates in web pages aren’t hard to imagine. A browser could offer to add events to a user’s calendar. A Thai-localised browser could offer to transform Gregorian dates into Thai Buddhist era dates. A Japanese browser could localise
to "16:00時". Content aggregators can produce visual timelines of events.Search engines can produce smarter search results. For example, in the recent heavy snow in the UK, I searched for school closures in my town and discovered my kids’ school was closed. After receiving a phone call from the school asking me where my kids were, I re-examined the webpage. In small print at the bottom of the page were the words "Published 5 January 2008". I expect that operators of search engines would rank more current pages more highly on searches connected with current events.
Other Bits
A further touch you can do to the time element is adding a title attribute to expose more detailed information to the user. Meaning you can offer the same bit of information three ways:
- A nice human-readable display format
- A more detailed human-readable hover format
- A machine-readable format
This is in use on CodePen:
This is the Rails code that outputs those different formats (STRFTIME is a nice tool for that):
datetime="<%= @pen.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") %>"
title="<%= @pen.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d at %I:%M %p") %>">
<%= @pen.created_at.strftime("%B %d, %Y") %>
Are you using <time>
on any of your projects?
The `time` Element is a post from CSS-Tricks
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