Mittwoch, 3. September 2014

New Poll: What one specific skill set are you most jealous of?


New Poll: What one specific skill set are you most jealous of?

Rather than ask you what you are already good at, I thought it would be interesting to ask you what do you wish you were good at.

I just picked ten skill sets that all have to do with the web/tech world:

  • Management

  • Marketing

  • Knowing / Practicing the Law

  • Back End Development

  • Front End Development

  • Video / Audio Production

  • Database Administration

  • Server Management

  • Writing / Copywriting

  • Visual / Interaction Design

If you had to just pick one of those that you most wish you were good at (and aren't now), what would it be? Which are you the most jealous of?

Vote in the poll widget in the sidebar (large screen) or further down the ol' tube (small screen).

If you have one that isn't on the list, feel free to share in the comments. But in the interest of a fair data set, we'll leave the poll how it is.

New Poll: What one specific skill set are you most jealous of? is a post from CSS-Tricks

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