Donnerstag, 20. März 2014

My Advice to Young Designers and Developers


My Advice to Young Designers and Developers

Andy Budd:

Should they continue their studies or jump straight into the labour market? I usually tell them that ability trumps education and I don’t put much faith on the current raft of tech degrees. So I’d prefer to see three years of experience than three years of study.

That being said, I’ll also point out that University is about much more than just acquiring a skill. It’s a formative experience that will shape your attitudes for the rest of your life. It’s also a huge amount of fun...

Solid advice. If your life is a singular mission to become an incredible web worker, university may not be for you. But you'll (probably) grow up faster and have more fun at school.

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My Advice to Young Designers and Developers is a post from CSS-Tricks

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